Harriet Pattison in her Landscape, oil, 38" x 30"
People have been telling me for years that I should enter a juried show at the Salmagundi Club in New York. And I kept saying, "Okay, I will," but for some reason the deadline would pass by and I would tell myself I would have to remember to enter next year. This year I decided the procrastination had gone on for too long, so I did enter. To my surprise, my portrait of Harriet Pattison was accepted.
Juried shows would make an interesting study. Everyone says "It's a crapshoot" whether you get in or not. The decision rests in the hands of a few jurors who are human and have human preferences, though they try to be fair. (I know; i've been in that position myself.) I've been rejected many times from shows, and the rejection letter or email always says something about how they received a huge number of entries and how difficult it was to choose. Because of these factors, we artists know we shouldn't be too disappointed if we don't get in. I've been entering shows for several years now, but I can't avoid being disappointed, even angry and frustrated, when I don't make the cut. Conversely, each time my work gets in I'm so thrilled I feel like jumping up and down.
Anyway, I'm very happy that my portrait of Harriet will grace the walls of the Salmagundi this summer! For those who find themselves in Manhatten, Here are the show details:
33rd Annual Painting and Sculpture Exhibition for Non-MembersExhibition of original oils, watercolors, pastels, acrylics, mixed media, and sculpture
July 12th through July 23rd, 2010
Awards Reception: Friday, July 23rd, 6:00--8:00 p.m. (open only to exhibition artists and their guests)
EXHIBITION OPEN TO THE PUBLIC: 7 days a week, 1:00-5:00 p.m., July 12th through July 23rd, 2010