Here's the info:
Wayne Art Center, Wayne PA
Co-instructors: Alexandra Tyng and Nancy Bea Miller
Saturday, March 13, 2010
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a lunch break
$100 members/ $125 non-members
Although slavish copying from photos is discouraged by most well-known portrait and figurative artists working today, many of these same artists use photographic references in the process of creating exceptional work. Through power-point presentation we will look at many examples of art painted from life and at least partially from photos. We will compare and evaluate a variety of reference photographs and discuss the pros and cons of different kinds of lighting. We will also have time for hands-on experimentation as we practice taking our own photographic reference shots. Participants are encouraged to bring a digital camera with cable attachment or card-reader, and a laptop computer.
Lunch is not provided so please bring your own lunch and snacks.