I can't think of a better place to be, especially if one's business is one's avocation and passion. I do wish Maine were a little closer to Philadelphia, though. Between gallery drop-offs and pick-ups I had ample time to paint with my art buddies Diana Cobb Ansley and Nancy Bea Miller. One lovely evening as the rain clouds were drifting away, we had a grand time painting on top of Cadillac Mountain overlooking Frenchman's Bay and the Porcupine Islands.
Painting on Cadillac, 14" x 18"

NB at her eaasel

Diana's lovely home in Somesville is the subject of this painting.

I painted this one during a day trip to Stonington on Deer Isle.

We also painted the beaver dam in the middle of Beaver Pond, on the Bar Harbor Road. Photo by Nancy Bea Miller